Nitro Masters | Holiday Party – Save the Date

Cedar Park and Bee Caves Nitro Masters Team,

Attached is the note from Greg about the Holiday Party:

I want to invite all Nitro Masters Swimmers to a Masters Christmas Party at the Hemstreet residence. We live just around the corner from the Cedar Park pool. Spouses and family are welcome. We have plenty of room.

Save the date, December 17, 6pm.

Even those silly enough to swim Barton Springs Sunday should be able to stay out for a couple of hours this way… and I know there are others that may have other parties to attend. So come early, stay as long as you can.

If you are willing to help with Secret Santa or anything else, please see me in the Latte Lanes.

Greg Hemstreet.

PS the 3 weekends before all have swim meets so Dec 17 is the only Saturday before Christmas Eve left! Geeez, swimming doesn’t run my life too much.

Nitro Swimming